
Archive for the ‘Women and Relationships’ Category

Women the most Complicated Creatures on Earth

December 10, 2009 Leave a comment

Women for the most part are sexy creatures  created to drive men insane. From PMS to confusion to their insecure nature and mood swings, men really do not stand a chance. Without stating the obvious, most  guys find women to be irrestible and challenging. Although almost everything is a guys fault, and when it comes to sexual intimacy; well thats a fifty-fifty shot. What makes women tick is something that should be left to science, and figuring women out would take years of research.

Looking way back, there was a woman in my life who was just all the things listed above. Irritable,  judgemental, and could have been easily diagnosed as insane. She was something special to me, at least at the time and it was hard to think straight when she battered her eyes and shook those hips. Be warned my fellow simple minded men, that is how women get you. They also work their way into our hearts by catering to our egos, flinging their bras at us, and wearing underwear that is crossing the line of legal.

Love could be considered the grandest gesture of all, but keep in my that even love has a price. So when you finally meet “misses right,” dont be surprised when you find your self married and driving a freakin Volvo. Just think that twenty years from now, she will actually ask you why it was you got rid of your hot rod again? When she does, go back to the baby photo albums and look at the crib, the stroller, and when she was twenty pounds lighter,and  make sure you admire that freakin Volvo sitting in the driveway.